Toyota Repair: 97 Toyota 4X4 Fuel Guage Not Working?!?, toyota 4x4, 4x4 pickup
QuestionI bought my daughter a 97 4X4 pickup recently with the V6 enging and 235K miles on it. The biggest problem we have with it is the fuel gauge is stuck on "Empty". I don't even know where to begin to trouble shoot this problem. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
AnswerFirst make sure that the gauge fuse is intact, in most cases the problem is the fuel gauge sending unit, it's located in the gas tank and is attached to the fuel pump, this means the fuel tank has to be lowered down to get the fuel pump assembly out, if you need specific details on how to do testing on both the gauge and the fuel sender please provide an email address in a follow up post, and I'll see if I can mail some documents to you.