Toyota Repair: Key will not come out of ignition, market switch, toyota camry

Hi Tim, I have a 1992 Toyota Camry LE. I have been having a problem with the key not coming out of the ignition when I shut the car off and place it in park. Sometimes it will come out and sometimes it will not. What I see taking place is that the key is not going all the way to the off position when the key will not come out. When it goes all the way over to the off position I can pull it out with no problems. When the key will not come out I usually have to end up disconnecting the battery in order to turn the key to the off position for it to come out. Would you be able to tell me what the issue may be and if I need to take the car in?

Thanks so much for your time.

The ignition switch is worn, it needs to be replaced. When you have
the key out spray some WD-40 in the lock, then stick the key in and move it back and forth. This might help for awhile, but you need to replace it. At some point the key won't turn at all and you will be stranded somewhere, this will cost you more, so I recommend you get it replaced immediately. An after market switch is only about $25. new
and they are easy to replace.

Thanks very much for the rating, very much appreciated.