Toyota Repair: Engine Mount Replacement., zameer, honest guy

QUESTION: Hey Tim, I drive a 04 camry 4cyl. I've got a worn out engine mount, which is on the top. Can I replace just that one, or should I just change the other 3 also? Car has got 95000kms, 59000miles. And doest it mean the water pump also needs to be replaced?

ANSWER: Zameer,
If indeed its bad you only need to change that one mount only.
A 2004 Camry should not have a bad engine mount at 59K miles unless
the car was in an accident or a previous owner swapped the instrument panel for one with less miles on the clock. Tell me why you think its bad, I.E. what are the symptoms?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Tim, I found earlier this month, that I am feeling a slight shivering on the drivers seat, and everytime I start my car the whole car gives one big shake. I thought it might be my timing or the dry belt, it looked like it needs a change but the Toyota mechanic told me gotta change the mounts too. Now I don't know all of them or just the top one. They are expensive, but if I need to, I don't wanna back down.

Belts will not cause this problem! That car doe's not have a timing belt!
You need to go to a good technician that knows Toyotas.
It should only be one mount, unless the vehicle has been in an accident. It's easy to check these mounts, find an honest guy,
he will show you witch one is bad.