Toyota Repair: 4runner repair, toyota service manuals, mass airflow sensor
Question1990 Toyota 4Runner V6 cyl Four Wheel Drive Manual 165000 miles
I have a 1990 4runner with a V6. The engine has been well maintained.
when engine is cold ( first start up in the morning) and especially in cold weather. 4runner starts fine and idles smooth, but when trying to take off from a stop bogs down and wantd to die. If I let off the gas it returns to normal idle. If i slowly give it gas, it reves up fine. once the high idle drops down it no longer is a problem.
I have been told that it may be the mass airflow sensor, but since this is a fairly expensive part, I would like a little more certainty about the diagnosis before I just start replacing $200.00 parts.
It has also been suggested to change the coolantsending unit.
AnswerIn order to determine if any sensor is faulty, you need to check them or have them tested to see if they read normal. To do so, you need a DMM and the voltage specifications of each unit. To find the voltage specs, you can look up any circuit at almost any library. They will have Toyota service manuals.