Toyota Repair: 93 Camry V6 Overheating, camry xle, camry v6
QuestionQUESTION: I recently bought a 1993 Camry Xle v6, It had blown head gasket so I bought the head set of gaskets and replaced those. I replaced the thermostat and water pump but it is overheating. I flushed the motor and radiator, also ran water through both to make sure the wasn't any blockage, everything seemed fine. But still overheating. Any Ideas because I'm out of them? :)
ANSWER: I would recommend that you take the radiator to a radiator shop and have it cleaned out, it may be partially clogged, it may even need to be replaced, by the way does the electric cooling fan turn on? If it does then I would suspect a radiator problem.
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QUESTION: The radiator is new, sorry I forgot to mention that before. I did check to see if it was clogged by disconnecting both hoses and put a garden hose on one end and it was flowing smoothly out the other. I did notice something I find strange. Under the hood in the fuse/relay box, there are places for some relays that are empty. There is one called "Engine Main" and another called "Fan No.1". Also there isn't a electric fan only the hydraulic one. Also I have check the power steering fluid level and made sure the belt on the power steering pump was snug and not slipping. Though the hydraulic fan never seems to go as fast as one might think (or at least like an electric one) But are there supposed to be relays in those spots? The engine runs ok, at least till it gets hot. It takes 1/2 - 1 mile for the temp to reach 3/4 on the gauge. Hope this helps out thanx let me know
AnswerSince it has the hydraulic fan system those relays are not needed,the main relay is used on the 4 cylinder engine only, the fan speed is controlled by fluid pressure from the power steering pump, the pump has a solenoid on it which opens and closes a passage in the pump to provide more or less pressure to change the speed of the fan, make sure the elctrical connector is connected to the solenoid.