Toyota Repair: Valve cover gasket 1998 Sienna, valve cover gasket, torque wrench
QuestionEngine smoke under hood appears to be from oil seeping from valve cover onto exhaust. Is replacing the valve cover gasket a major repair or do-it-yourself? I don't have a torque wrench, can I get by without one? I do my own regular maintenance so I think this is something I can handle unless there is something I'm not seeing?? Called about a gasket and they asked which gasket I wanted, or if I wanted both. The cover I can see looks easy enough to get to, is there a second cover gasket that would be more difficult to change? Do I need to find a torque wrench? It would appear to take a very small one? Thanks Greg
First thing to do is tighten all the valve cover bolts,they are loose, its very common for them to loosen over time on Toyotas. the fact that they are not real tight from the factory. You need to snug them up, not real tight. You really don't need a torque wrench, just snug them up, if that doesn't help them replace them, if you do just snug them up.
Let me know the out come,
good luck