Toyota Repair: Gasoline odor, fuel leaks, fuel rail

What could cause an OVERWHELMING odor of gasoline INSIDE of my 1994 4wd
4runner  while driving it ? Can't find any obvious fuel leaks and it has nothing to
do with just filling up. thanks, JLB

Some of the fuel lines and fittings are not visible because they are covered by the intake manifolds, the fuel injectors on the right side are not visible, it's possible that one of those injectors is leaking, another more common leak is at the very rear of the engine on the right side is a fuel pulse damper, it's attached to the right side fuel rail, it's very common for these to leak, it should be inspected with a flashlight and a small mirror, it's made out of metal and is round, about an inch in diameter and has a small screw in the center, this screw may have fallen out and fuel is leaking through the opening, this means the diaphragm inside is leaking, if that's the case the top of the intake system has to be removed to replace the fuel damper.