Toyota Repair: 1998 Camry CE Driver Side Window Problem, cd mp3 player, little bit at a time

Hello! Here is my problem. The driver side window does not come back up after lowering it. This typically happens when my car has not been running long. So the longer my car runs, the less I encounter this issue. Furthermore, if my driver side window is down and does not come up, by letting my car run, I can raise it up a little bit at a time.

I have a 1998 Camry CE, 4 door with power lock and windows. I installed a CD/MP3 player approximately 4 years ago, but did not encounter this problem until about a year ago. I know, it has been awhile, but I have had little use of the windows.

I explained this issue once to a mechanic and they thought it could either be a switch that has malfunctioned or it could be the servo. I wish to know what the problem could be. Thanks for the time!

Hi there

Sometimes the electrical window unit can go bad. I would recommend that you replace the entire window mechanism inside the door panel. If you plan to do this yourself, make sure you have a partner available to hold the window up out of the way after you remove the bolts that hold it in place. There are window retainer tools out there but it's no need to buy one just for one job.