Toyota Repair: Toyota 4Runner transmission, toyota 4runner, intermittent problem

Greetings. My 1999 Toy.4Runner Limited has a intermittent problem going into 1st gear (automatic) when it's dead cold. The analogy I use if you where to drive a stick and tried to start out in say 2nd. It'll go, but just real slowly. I usually drop it down to low and drive say 10-15 yards and kick it up to drive and everything is fine. What gives? Thanks for the help

In regard to ANY automatic transmission, ALWAYS check the fluid level and condition before any diagnosis is certain. It could be as simple as being low on fluid. The transmission you have is an "ECT" (electronically controlled transmission). Trans governor problems are a thing of the past due to technology. In your case, if it's not low or burnt trans fluid, it could be a bad sensor, actuator or shift valve in the trans valve body.