Toyota Repair: 2000 4Runner rear hatch latch problem, hatch latch, jumper wire
QuestionHi Ted, I sure hope you can help me.
The other day I put an 80 inch tall bookcase in the back of my 2000 4runner (back seats were down). The bookcase did not fit into the back with the hatch down so I took a rubber strap with a metal hook on each end and put one end through the greased latch and the other through the base to hold the hatch down and keep the bookcase in there.
Well... right after I did that, I started having problems. First, it didn't close properly once I had unloaded the bookcase and even opened up while I was driving - ack. Now it's closing, but the open door sensor flashes intermittently, so the alarm ends up going off when the doors are locked via remote. Twice tonight the alarm went off while the vehicle was parked in my driveway, just because I locked it. Now it's unlocked, so basically I cannot lock it anymore without the alarm going off eventually.
Please help! Did I short out the open door sensor when I put that metal through the greased latch? I'd just like to disable it if I can. The vehicle is old enough that I don't want to spend money on replacing the alarm or open door gizmo (thingamajiggy ;-))
Thank you so much,
AnswerThe switch that tells the door lock control computer that the door is open or or unlocked, the switch could have been damaged by putting that hook in the latch. You can try removing the back door inner panel and disconnect the electrical connector for the latch, not sure if that will work but it's worth a try, if the open door warning light stays on after disconnecting it try putting a small jumper wire between the two terminals on the electrical connector on the harness side.