Toyota Repair: Check Engine Light, fuel injector cleaning, 2005 toyota corolla

Ted,  I own a 2005 Toyota Corolla S with 43K.  I recently got a check engine light.  A Seattle area Toyota dealership diagnosed the problem and said that I needed to clean the fuel injectors and replace the spark plugs (iridium tipped).  The cost estimate was $750.  I thought this was ridiculous and tried using some STP injector cleaner in the next tank of fuel.  The light stayed out for about a week and has recently come back on.

Any recommendations on what I should do? -- Stu

Your'e absolutely right in declining that recommendation, first of all the spark plugs are good for 120,000 miles, the fuel injector cleaning is a waste of time and your money, we need to find out what the real problem is, did they diagnose the reason the check engine light was on do you have anything in writing that states what the diagnostic trouble codes were that were stored in the computer, I need to know this information in order to help you, if you don't have that information I'm going to ask you to have the check engine light diagnosed again, there should be an Autozone store in your area, they offer code retreival at no cost, if not there, try to locate another place like Kragen or any other larger chain store that sells auto parts, get the codes and write them down for reference and get back to me, I rarely do this but you can contact me directly at <[email protected]>