2000 Toyota Avalon
QUESTION: My 2000 Toyota Avalon has been in the shop for close to 1 year. Its undergoing repairs due to engine failure which resulted from oil sludge. I just wanted a heads up on the most general/common problems to be expected from a vehicle which has been off the road for such a long period of time. In all my driving experience, I've never had a vehicle in the shop for so long. Appreciate the help. Thanks!
ANSWER: There is no rerason for your car to be in the dealer, it is at the dealer , is this correct? Before I go on I need to know this. Regardless, there is still no reson for the car to be there that long, that's totally unacceptable. An engine repair or replacement should take no more than two weeks unless there is a parts availability problem, has anyone ever explained why this is taking so long?I need more information and history.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes Sir, the issue is indeed one of parts availability. The car was purchased from Japan as a Toyota ‘Pronard’, and not even the local Toyota dealer carries most of the parts I needed. Exhaust valves, piston rings & so forth had to be ordered and then shipped. The vehicle is being repaired by a private garage & not the dealer. However, the dealer ordered most of the parts we needed. The garage mechanics also subsequently discovered a hairline crack in the engine bottom block, so I am currently awaiting the arrival of a new block. When this arrives, I am told that the vehicle would finally be ready. Prior to this engine failure, I had NEVER once had a problem with my car and I’ve had it for nearly 5 years. The mileage is just over 85,000. But now everyone keeps telling me that most vehicles, having been off the road for so long, develop a myriad of further engine problems or problems associated with the on-board computer. This has me a bit scared, so I just thought I’d ask for some advice. Thank you for the help!
AnswerThere should be no problem with the computer, it should just go to a sleep mode with the battery disconnected, the only other area of concern is any fuel that was left in the fuel tank, this would be unusable after that time period and the fuel may have to be drained from the tank and it may even have to be removed and cleaned from all the old fuel deposits, gasoline has a tendency to transorm into a sticky shellac type substance which can clog thing like injectors, fuel lines and the fuel pump.