Toyota Repair: 89 toyota truck 3.o, gasket set, head gasket
Questionpurchased truck 191000 mile had 4 burnt vales replaced with new vales complete head job (head gasket set pressure checked heads ect.) truck temp was normal b4 after work was done it runs almost to red it does not boil or steam water replaced thermostst 2 times same problem removed truck thermostat temp 1/4 on gage mechanic replaced engine knock with new one 1st toyota truck really like but i need help why does truck run warmer after it was repaired also it idles a lot higher please advise thank you
AnswerI need to understand a couple of statements you made, are you saying that the temp is normal after removing the thermostat? I don't understand what the knock sensor would have to do with this and why it was replaced. The only other thing I can think of right now is that there may be a problem with the radiator, it may be internally restricted and not allowing enough coolant flow through it but that doesn't make much sense either since it didn't overheat before and it's the same radiator.