Toyota Repair: oil pressure, oil filler cap, oil cap
QuestionI have a 2007 Prius and took it to my dealer for a oil change, this was 2 days ago. I noticed a funny smell and checked the engine area and found they had left the oil cap off. What kind of problems could this cause to my motor.
AnswerTechnically when the oil filler cap is not tightened on the camshaft housing, it is a vaccuum leak. It is possible that you lost some oil pressure which will prevent your engine from being lubricated properly. Most likely, there's nothing wrong with your car's engine. Even if there was, you would have to prove damages. I would recommend that you take your car back to the dealer IMMEDIATELY and demand to talk to the service manager and MAKE SURE this is documented in their database. Keep all the paperwork they return to you in regard to this incident...including the oil change you just had performed.