QuestionHi Ted, i have a 1988 Toyota Corolla which has leaked hydraulic fluid from
somewhere in the clutch mechanism, i presume either the reservoir or the
slave cylinder but cannot be sure as i cannot see a definite leak. I am also not
sure over how long of a time period it has been leaking for but have never
had previous problems. I was able to get the clutch working again by topping
up the reservoir with hydraulic fluid and bleeding the air out. My question is
whether i need to get a mechanic to find the leak for me and replace the
reservoir and slave cylinders as appropriate or if i can simply continue to
replace hydraulic fluid and bleed the air out as needed? i am keen to avoid
this cost of a mechanic and replacement parts if possible as i am student and
also my car is already very old and i want to avoid work that will not in the
end prolong the cars lifespan - i would like to have the car operational for the
next 18 months to two years. However, i am also conscious that hydraulic
fluid is corrosive so i don't want the leak to damage another part of the
engine. Unfortunately i don't think i have the technical know-how to replace
the appropriate parts myself. thanks for your help, any advice would be much
appreciated. Simon.
AnswerSince the fluid level in the reservoir is dropping there has to be a leak somewhere in the system, the most likely place is the master cylinder, check at the inside of the firewall where the master cylinder attaches, this is where the actuator rod comes out of the cylinder and connects the the clutch pedal, if there is a leak there then the master cylinder should be replaced, I would also at the same time recommend replacing the slave cylinder. These parts can be obtained from most autoparts stores at a lot less than the toyota dealer so you may consider getting the parts and then having a repair shop or a friend that may be able to help install them if you don't feel up to the task.