Toyota Repair: 1998 toyota Camry air intake hose cracked, air intake hose, air flow meter
Question1998 toyota Camry
4 cylinder 2.2 L
I went for smog today and it failed due to a cracked air intake hose. Its a dealer only part and costs about $115.How does one replace it by oneself? Is the job doable? The dealership is charging me $75 to replace it (excluding parts). can you provide me a link or procedure to replace it by myself? Also should I get a new part or get the air intake Hose from a wrench yard(its cheaper).
AnswerIf the used hose looks ok and has no small cracks then I see no reason to not use it. Just loosen the large clamps, remove the air flow meter connector and any other electrical connections, remove the cable that comes from the transmission from the throttle body and remove the entire top part of the air filter, if you need more detailed instructions with illustrations then I would need an email address to mail it to.