Toyota Repair: driving noise, whoop whoop, reputable repair shop

2003 Camry that makes a whoop-whoop noise (steady loud humming) that increasing as the car gains speed that evens out at about 50 mph. Noise is more noticeable or heard best with windows up. Barely can heard noise with front windows down but when back windows are rolled down, the noise/hum hurts my ears, no noise with front windows down. New tires.

I don't know how many miles are on the car, that would help!
It sounds like a bad rear wheel bearing, this is just a guess!
Take it to a reputable repair shop immediately, before it fails.
If its the wheel bearing they are easy to replace and inexpensive.

P.S. In any Camry when driving down the highway with the back windows
down you will have a deep humming sound that bothers your ears, its from the air rushing in the car.

Good luck, let me know what they find.
