Toyota Repair: bad vibration, toyota corolla, torque converter
QuestionHi, I just bought a 1994 toyota corolla 1.6 L 4A-FE automatic. The car has a bad vibration. In park the vibration is shaking the dash and when you get out its shaking the fenders, hood and bumper. It seems like the engine or torque converter is out of balance. While in park if you slightly rev the engine to around 1500 to 2000 rpm you really feel the vibration any higher and it fades. When your in drive and take off from stopped it vibrates the fades. When on the freeway after you pass 55 mph it really vibrates to where its makes a loud noise. The front engine mount looks torn so i will replace it but never seen a mount cause this kind of vibration..what do you think..Thanks jess
AnswerFix the obvious problem first, any motor mount collapse can cause bad vibration, check all the rest of the mounts and make sure there is no metal to metal contact between the mount and the frame/crossmembers etc. check closely for any signs of body or frame repair, or that it had been in an accident.