QuestionI have a 1993 4 cylinder Toyota Camry with 203,000 miles on it. For the past week there has been a fairly strong gas odor in my vehicle. It is especially noticeable while sitting at stop lights or when I turn my AC on. The smell is fairly persistent. What could be the cause of such an issue.
Also, my car makes a "put put" sputtering sound when in gear and sitting at stop lights. A friend of mind said it may be the oxygen sensor. Do you have any idea what could be the cause of this issue? Is there a chance that the gas smell mention above may be somehow related?
The last tune-up I had was last year September or October.
Please help!
Thanks in advance.
Are you sure it isn't a exhaust smell? With that many miles I see
a lot of camrys that leak exhaust up front and the smell comes
through the vents and windows.
Is the check engine light on? I need to know what was done with the
tune-up. You need to check inside distributor for oil leak from
engine, its the O-ring in there. If oil spray a lot of wd-40 in
distributor and cap to clean out then put cap back on and start it up.
See this a lot with high mileage camrys.