Toyota Repair: 1989 Toyota Van hard start, maf sensors, toyota van

My 1989 Toyota van is hard to start especially when the engine is cold. If it starts, the engine cuts off upon stepping on the gas pedal. When trying to merge in the highways, it hesitates when you step on the gas. I had changed the spark plugs, air filter and pcv valve before. What do you think is the problem? I thought of changing the fuel filter but hasn't done it before and need guidance on doing this. Is it a do it yourself job? Please advise. Thanks.

Does it start ok when the engine is warm? Could be the cold
start injector, that should be tested. In addition, the TPS, CTS, and
MAF sensors should be checked. Get a Haynes or Chilton repair manual
for that vehicle and year, it will show you how to test these components.

Good luck,
let me know.
