Toyota Repair: Toyota Sequoia rear hatch lach breaking, plastic latch, toyota sequoia

I just got back from a dealer with a $250 bill for a plastic latch(Pt#69090-08010)$64.88 plus $180 labor. I thought this would be covered under Toyota's Platinum Extended Care policy. Wrong!!! They claim it is a handle and not covered. Yet if you view various blogs this is reoccuring problem on all 2001-2205 Sequoias . Under the Toyota Tundra blog there is a quote from a mechanic that the root cause  is the locking mechanism which is covered under TXC,but their darned inferior plastic hanlde and associated labor is not. Any ideas how to collect from these guys? Advise,thanks

Although this is a common problem, Toyota has not extended the warranty coverage, it is still covered under the normal comprehensive warranty which is for 3yrs/36.000 miles, whether it is covered under the extra care or any other warranty is strictly a matter of  policy of the warranty company. You can call the toyota customer service 800 number and file your complaint there.