Toyota Repair: Power Steering Pump Vacuum Hose Attachment, vacuum hoses, power steering pump
QuestionI replaced my power steering pump yesterday and I have a problem. There is a screw in attachment/valve/soemthing on the back of the power steering pump that screws into the pump body and is the attachment point for the two vacuum hoses that attach to the pump. The plastic hose seats broke off this part during removal. I consulted my Haynes manual and I cannot find the name/number of this part to replace it.
I have a 1992 Toyota Pickup 3.0 L V6 4WD. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Call a Toyota dealership, ask for parts, tell them what
happened, (they will want your VIN number to make sure they match the
correct part, so have it ready). They will look on the computer database diagram, and pinpoint the name and part number. I think its a check valve. Good luck, let me know.