Toyota Repair: rough motor below 2500 rpms, 22r motor, fuel air mixture

My 92 pick up w/ 22r motor has a miss that seems to be only under 2500 rpms. I thought it was the plug ins (choke system?)on the top of the motor were corroded but that doesn't seem to help much. plugs/wires are new, didn't notice any worn vac starts jerking at a steady speed and the tach starts bouncing up & down.. strange enough it doesn't happen all the time..I don't think it does it with the AC on. could it be something with the fuel/air mixture system? Thanks for your time...

 I need to know more information to be able to try and help you.
I don't like guessing. How many miles on motor? You specify
its a 4 cyl 22R, Does it have a carb?
Doe's it start hard? If so cold or hot?
Have you inspected all vacuum lines very closely especially
near the ends(that's were they usually crack or break) Look very
close and make sure none have slid off, use a bright flashlight
to inspect. Has the fuel filter been changed?
disconnect or squeeze with a pliers the vacuum line to the
EGR valve and see if it runs differently. Use a vacuum pump on
the EGR valve while its idling, as you pump it up the motor
should die, that means the EGR is good. If no vac pump, then stick
your finger up through hole in the bottom of the EGR and push up on the diaphragm and the engine should die, if it does the EGR is
good. Let me know.
