QuestionQUESTION: so my power windows dont work from the master switch, so i took it apart hoping it was the buttons(cause i had successfully done this on another car), but nothing worked, than i read it might be the wires betwixt the frame and door and sure enough i had 9 brokens. so then i crimped the wires and now everything works except for the drivers window, using the button the window motor made a sound for a split second, im not sure if it moved or not, so now i dont if all the buttons beside the drivers(which is completely different)is working or it may be the actual window motor/regulator, please help
ANSWER: Remove the door panel and disconnect the connector for the window motor, apply 12 volts directly to the two wires to the motor, by reversing poarity the motor should go up and down, if it doesn't replace the motor.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: okay this may seem stupid, but this is driving me crazy and i cant find a direct answer, ive figured out i need jumper wires to apply the 12 volts but where is the source of the voltage and how do i attach the jumper wires to this power source
AnswerThe 12 volts can come from any wire that has 12 volts applied to it, remove the electrical connector from the switch, with a testlight or volt meter find a wire that has 12 volts at the connector with the key on, there should be at least one wire that has voltage, connect the ground wire of the testlight or the voltmeter to a good ground like a bolt or the door striker plate, poke each one of the wires in the connector until you find one that has 12 volts, this will be your testing voltage for the motor, place a jumper wire between this connector and either side of the motor connector, either red or green, put a jumper wire on the other wire, either one, for instance if you put 12 volts to the red wire the ground the green wire, the motor should react somehow either by going up or down, if not just reverse the connections and see if it moves, if the motor can be moved up/down by reversing the wires then the motor is good.