Toyota Repair: 95 toyota 4runner loses power after warm, toyota 4runner, cat converter

I really need help and I believe you're the man...  
95 4runner 200,000 miles, starts and runs pretty good.
After engine warms or maybe ten miles, loses power that it's hard to keep it up to 45. Has very little power at start off from stop. I can get on the hwy. start down a hill go to netural. shut engine down and coast for a minute or so then start up, pull it in gear and have more power but will do it lose it again. Fuel pressure is good, no codes, cleaned waf, new plugs, wires,cap and button.
Seems as if something is shutting the fuel down...Maybe you'll know. There's more I've tried but I'm trying not to make this to long  

Possibly a restricted exhaust system due to a cat converter problem, check the converter to make sure it's clean, remove it and visually inspect it, if any material falls out of it or if the mesh screen is burned replace the converter and also the muffler which may be clogged up from the disintegration of the converter.