Toyota Repair: 2000 Land Cruiser Service Bulletin EL002-02, combination meter, instrument cluster
QuestionQUESTION: My 2000 Land Cruiser encountered the problem detailed in service bulletin EL002-02 (Combination Meter-Continuous Alarm Noise). A loud annoying buzzer emits from behind the instrument cluster. The bulletin remedy is a new junction block costing $600+ just for the part. I have a local mechanic who simply removed the combination meter. I understand that I won't have a chime for lights left on, key left in ignition and so forth. My question is, should I have any safety concern or mechanical problems with removal of the combination meter????
ANSWER: Are you telling me that the entire combination meter was removed, this would mean to me that the instruments are now all removed is this correct? If not what part was removed please be more specific
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QUESTION: Sorry for the misinformation. Only the buzzer that emits the sound was removed. This is essentially a small speaker located behind the instrument cluster. No instruments were removed.
AnswerThank you, I'm not really sure what causes the continous buzzing noise except that there is a malfunction in the body ECU which is part of the junction block, as far as I know removing the buzzer so that the noise is gone doesn't fix the problem, it should be ok this way but some of the warning systems such as seat belt not connected or lights left on or key left in the ignition or door open may no longer work.