Toyota Repair: 98 4runner fuse box, blown fuses, wiring circuits

we replaced the alternator fuse and bought a new battery (other one was dead) to see why the 4runner was not taking a charge. well, an auto part store gave us wrong battery set up and we charged the battery backwards (oops). now i have gone through and checked blown fuses. BUT they all seem to be fine except the radio/dome light..everytime i try to put a new fuse in it pops on me (sparks). do you think i have a short? have a blown the radio for good? can i take a small section of the fuse box out that i might have shorted and replace it?
thank you Rob

Normally when the battery connections are reversed or jumped or charged backwards some of the fuses blow including the large 120A alternator fuse. Wiring, circuits or components normally are not affected as the fuses blow before any damage can happen but the possibility can not be ruled out completely, if the dome fuse continues to blow then there is a short to ground which has to be located which can be time consuming and requires a wiring diagram and an ohm meter/volt meter to trace and check wiring circuits, if you feel you want to deal with this I'm willing to email a wiring diagram to you pertaining to this circuit, please foreward an email address in your response.