Toyota Repair: check engine light, jumper wire, toyota celica

i have a 90 toyota celica all trac it as a 2.0 turbo engine every time i hit about 2800 rpms the check engine light illuminates this causes the engine to hesitate every time i try to acceletate or go up a hill

Possibly an O2 sensor problem, can you get the trouble codes and let me know what they are, under the hood locate the diagnostic check connector, open the cover, the terminals are designated on the inside of the cover, with the key on put a jumper wire between the terminals TE1+E1, the check engine light will start flashing giving the code number, for example a code 25 would be two blinks followed by five, there is a short pause and the code will repeat if it's the only one, if there are more then they will follow, the lowest number code will always appear first.