Toyota Repair: 2002 RAV4 Air Stopped blowing cold air, air bubbles, road debris
QuestionAir working fine when started out this morning, but while driving AC started blowing hot air. Clutch not engaging on the compressor when trying to activate AC. Is there a fuse for the clutch or do you think I may have developed a leak in the system. Thanks Ted for all you've given to us!
AnswerThe most common problem for this is that there may be a freon leak and the freon level is low, locate the receiver drier unit near the front of the a/c condenser and with the compressor on see if there are air bubbles in the clear sight glass, if so, a temporary fix is to just add some freon with a kit available at autoparts and major retailers like K-Mart,Walmart. Add just enough freon until the air bubbles go away. Eventually the leak should be located by a professional a/c technician, the leak can be located by adding a flourescent dye to the system and then later checking it with an UV light, some a/c leaks are obvious if they are large enough or have been leaking for a while, they will leave an oily deposit wherever the leak is so just check the lines and the condensor for any obvious signs of leaks, condensers are in front of the radiator and can be damaged by road debris which will show up as small holes in the condender core.