QuestionThis concerns an '07 Tacoma V-6 4X4.
It was in a one-car accident side-swiping a cable-type guard rail in the medium strip. It peeled the drivers side frm headlight to tail light with out triping air bags.
1) OBD codes as follows:
a) C1223 indicating ABS control malfunction
b) C1241 indicating high/low battery
c) C1290 "O" point steering sensor .malfunction
2) Display icons as follows:
a) VSC "off" but blinking continuously
b) Profile of car in a "slide"
c) Cross-section of tire to shows high/low tire pressure
Problems reappear within a few miles after reset. Although, it is easy to believe that some type of "bug" is gumming up the works, the best approach is to attempt to repair each item, one by one. Agree? What else?
AnswerLooking up these codes I find that the c1223 code is a malfunction in the abs system as we already know but it also states that this code does not indicate a malfunction of the skid control ECU, the problem is somewhere else, the C1241 indicates that the skid control ecu had lost voltage to the IG1 terminal at some time or is still not receiving battery voltage, check the fuse marked IG1 NO.2 in the fuse panel. I can't find anything listed for a c1290 code but it may mean that the steering angle sensor needs to be recalibrated but not before the other codes are repaired.
Has the truck had body work done on it already? How were the codes cleared? You may want to check with the toyota dealer for possible warranty repairs for this but if they know it was in an accident they probably will reject doing VSC repairs under warranty. I think the root cause is the loss of voltage to the skid control ecu, if the fuse IG1 NO.2 is getting voltage and is good then I would suspect on open circuit between the fuse and the skid control ecu. That's when it can get a little involved and a wiring diagram is needed to trace and identify the connections on the ecu and measuring resistance and voltages.