Toyota Repair: 1989 4-Runner Ignition Switch, release pin, lock cylinder

I have a 1989 4-Runner with a worn ignition switch. Couple of times the key could not turn the switch. It worked after some trys. I need instructions/steps on replacing the switch. One question, do I need to take off the steering wheel before I can replace the switch?. Thanks for your help.

The steering wheel does not need to be removed, first get a new lock cylinder from the toyota dealer, the cylinder has a release button on it that allows it to come out of the lock housing, put the key in the acc position and you can depress the release pin. The key in the lock in the truck has to be put to the ACC position to be able to depress the pin so the cylinder can be pulled out, remove the covers around the ignition switch and locate the release pin, with the key in the acc position depress the pin with a small pointed object or screwdriver and pull the cylinder out, install the new cylinder in the acc position.