Toyota Repair: 1994 Celica wont go, cv joints, drive axles

I have a 1994 Toyota Celica STX.  It's a 5 speed coupe.  I love this baby girl to
death but it may be time to say goodbye.  I think I know the problem but
would like another opinion.  For a while now it's been knocking when turning
(right or left) unless you were not giving it gas. If you coasted the turn, no
noise at all.  My husband was driving along today, cruising at about 75 when
suddenly the RPMs hit redline.  He coast to the edge of the road and calls me.  
The way he describes what's going on I think the clutch has given so I hope in
the car to go get him.  I crank the car with no problem, clutch feels fine.  I
put it in gear and try to go, nothing.  RPMs go through the roof.  So, I turn
the car off and head back home to enlist the help of a friend with a trailer.  
When we get back the minute I crank the car I hear this horrific grinding
sound.  The wheels still turn when the car is pushed but the energy is not
transferring to turn them. So, whatcha think...transaxle issues?  

The noise that you are describing could be one of two things, the cv joints in the front drive axles are bad, or maybe the differential in the transmission is the problem, if the noise was only there when turning under power then the problem is probably with the front axle, have the front axles checked one of them may have either come out of the transmission or one of the cv joints is broken. It may just be a matter of replacing the axles.