Toyota Repair: 91, air control valve, vacuum hoses

QUESTION: Ted, thanks in advance.
After rebuilding I made 2 misconnections. The 1st line going to the fuel canister I got right. But the second line which should go to the press regulator, I connected it to one end of the vacuum y which comes from the air box(My haynes manual shows it being a single vacuum line going to the brake booster. But Mine y's and I'm sure I misconnected it with one of the lines from the air control valve on the bottom of the pwr steering pump. Were should those 2 lines go, and is there a easy check so they are not backwards? Also what other line should be on the vacuum y with the brake booster? I corrected the press regulator line and the truck run's great. The hole time I haven't had vacuum to the brake booster. Also could fuel getting to the air control valve make it fail.
Thanks Ted!

ANSWER: I can send an illustration where all the vacuum hoses go, please provide an email address.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your time Ted. The illustration doesn't show "the air control valve" or the "the second hose that connects to the vacuum Y with the brake booster hose.
Do you know if the air control valve is like a check valve and were it would sent its vacuum too. I had the truck running today to troubleshoot and with vacuum on either hose it didn't transfer out the other hose(thinking it may be bad?)
I rigged a spare hose from a vacuum port on the intake to the 2nd vacuum y port and had about 1/2 vacuum press at the brake booster but the brake pedal movement didn't change(no help at all)(I think both may have failed from fuel being introduced).
There also is a second air type valve not in my manual that mounts fwd of the front VSV valve, one hose runs to the middle VSV valve(FPU valve) and it's two main lines mount next to the air control valve lines. Today I also didn't get air flow through on that valve with the engine running.
Two of these four lines could be swapped.
Vacuum from the air box to the brake booster is only 1/3 pressure. Timing is 10 BTD, airflowmeter, air valve, throttle position sensor all test good, air box to throttle body has no leaks and the engine runs strong.
Any thoughts, or pointers were the components should send their(air) output would be highly appreciated. Also 3 of the ports come out of the air intake and I'm clueless how there different positions would tie them in with a certain component.
Sorry my note is long and hard to follow.
Thanks for any help you can offer Ted.  

Those two hoses on the bottom of the power steering pump connect to the vacuum manifold on the right side of the intake chamber, the small vacuum hoses are marked 3/5/6/4, there are three vacuum lines that form a triangle, the top one is connected to#3hose, the one on the right is#6 and the one on the left is#5, #4 goes to the air diverter valve below.