Toyota Repair: timing, 1993 toyota tercel, toyota tercel
Question1993 toyota tercel 1.5 e 4 speed
i replaced the head and the crankshaft was moved while the head was off. now i need to know how to time it. do i need to remove the lower timing belt cover to do this or can i just use the marks on the lower timing belt cover to put the crankshaft at t.d.c.?? Also does the oil pump have to be timed on this model??
AnswerThe oil pump does not have to be timed, the marks on the cank pulley and the lower timing cover can be used to locate TDC, just make sure the #1 piston is all the way up when the marks are lined up, if not rotate the engine until the piston is up and the marks are lined up, then it's on #1 TDC.