Toyota Repair: 1993 toyota 4runner, jumper cables, toyota 4runner
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 1993 toyota 4runner with 3.0 sr5 150,000 miles. It has started to not crank after driving for a period time and then sitting for about an hour. I have replaced battery and ignition coil.It has spark at distributor and spins over fine. When the truck won't crank i can connect battery booster or jumper cables and trunk will crank but idle a little ruff sometimes until i start to drive.Can you tell me if the igniter will cause this problem or something else.
ANSWER: Igniter modules in most cases will either work or not, they rarely have an intermittent condition. There is another problem.
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QUESTION: Do you have any idea what would cause this? I have checked for any codes but od and check engine light just flash repeatedly. I was told that this might also be caused by a fuel pump voltage issue or vapor lock issue after engine is warm. Any suggestion would help. Thanks for your time.
AnswerThe engine turns over and there is spark to the spark plugs but it will not start up, is that correct? It sounds like there may be two problems because you also say that it won't crank and a jumper battery has to be connected to get it to crank(turn over)you also mentioned it running rough which could be an engine misfire condition otr a loss of compression in one of the cylinders.