Toyota Repair: 1989 Toyota Camry V6 Timing Belt Replacement, toyota camry v6, 1989 toyota camry
QuestionI have a 1989 Toyota Camry V6 with roughly 100,000 miles on it. It is a daily driver that I want to continue to maintain/preserve. Can you tell me when I should replace my timing belt? Should I replace it? My mechanic stated it is not crucial to replace on the V6 becuase if it brakes, the engine will just not run - not cause catastrophic engine failure like in the 4 cylinder models. Is that true? I called the local Toyota dealership and they quoted me $350 for parts and labor - is that a good price? Please let me know your thoughts - thanks for your help!
AnswerOn the 1989 V-6 camry the timing belt should be replaced at 60,000 mile intervals, if it has never been replaced you should have it done as soon as possible, most toyota engines that use timing belts are of the non-interference type and no engine damage is possible if the belt should break but you may get stranded in an inconvenient place at a bad time. $350.00 is a very reasonable price for a toyota dealer.