Toyota Repair: 2004 Camry LE, 4dr sedan, no screws, prying tool

Regarding: Moonroof/Map Light Control Console.  
I have a rattling noise coming from inside the console trim housing and have been unable to remove the housing.  In attempting to pry and peek around the edges, I have displaced something inside now and the drivers-side map light switch will no longer move. I have checked all the repair manuals in the local library and several websites for instructions on how to remove the Moonroof/Map Light Control housing without any luck. I know that in most cases, using a thin prying tool, in the right locations, is what is needed.  I would appreciate it if you could advise how to remove the housing.
Thank you,

ANSWER: The manual shows no screws holding the console in just clips, I know they can be real tight and some of the clips may break when removing them.

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QUESTION: Ted,  Thank you for the prompt reply.    
By prying down, peering in with a flashlight and probing with a thin probe, I have not been able to identify/locate the clips.  Does the manual show the location of the clips(at corners, side, etc)?  
Thank you!

ANSWER: Give me an email address and I will send the illustration from the manual.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

My address is:  [email protected]
I really appreciate your prompt replies and offer to send illustrations from the manual.  I would have responded sooner but the AllExperts website prevented it.

I'm sorry I can't locate any specific instructions to temove the panel, I have removed them before and they are very tight, if there is a sunglass flip down holder open it and look for any screws in there if not keep prying around the edges and just grab one side and pull it out.