Toyota Repair: 1990 toyota 4runner starts inconsistently, toyota 4runner, damp weather

Hi, i have a 1990 toyota 4runner with 210,000 miles on it. It will start up and run fine but sometimes it just wont start. It will try and turn over but wont catch. The next day it may start. I brought the 4runner to my mechanic and he looked it over and it started fine every single time and he left it running for a little while and still no troubles. some help would be very much appreciated!!! Thanks

Hi Kyle, check yor distributor and wire, also pay attension if it does matter cold or hot or damp weather.
check spark when not starting. take spark wire out insert srewdriver in place of plug and when cranking hold it close to engine metal part and see if spark.
Let me know what you have found.