QuestionI have a 1988 Toyota Corolla with 28,000 actual miles. The problem is that the car has been sitting for a couple of years unused, so I expect the normal repairs, hoses, belts, etc.
The current problem is that in replacing a blown 80 AMP fuse in the box that connects to the positive terminal of the new battery, I may have gotten the wires crossed. When I replaced the fuse, the car started with little effort. All dash and accessories worked fine. Later in the afternoon I went back to check again, and the battery had drained. There is a large white cable and a gray cable the evidently attach to this fuse. Is there a correct or incorect way to connect them? If they were not connected properly wouldn't the fuse have blown again?
I'm fairly certain I didn't touch the 30 Amp fuse because it was not blown and I had a devil of a time loosening the bolt on the 80 Amp. Any ideas?
AnswerYes the fuse would blow again if the cables were installed incorrectly, the reason for the baqttery to drain down this fast is that there is an excessive current draw on the system with everything off, this can be tested using an ammmeter, anything over 0.02A (about 200 milliamp) is considered excessive, it sounds like there is much more of a draw on this system, maybe there is a light that stays on.