Toyota Repair: Toyota Camry Stalls, vacuum hoses, toyota camry

QUESTION: Our 1986 Camry stalls when you idle or drive slowly. It is worse in cold weather. In the winter we would have to rev the engine until the car warmed up or it would stall. After a stall it will not start right away but if you wait a few minutes it will start again. Sometimes if it was starting to stall we would accelerate or put it in N and rev the engine and it wouldn't stall. We had a mechanic look at it but he couldn't figure out the problem. He did put in a new fuel pump and gave it a tune up.

We took it off the road for 7 months and when we recently tried to start it the battery was dead. It starts fine with a boost. We checked the alternator today and it is fine.

Sorry for the long explanation...Any ideas????


Any ideas?

ANSWER: Is your question about the stalling condition or about the starting issue?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I assumed they were caused by the same thing! I want to know why it is stalling, and why when it stalls it takes a while before we can start it again?


The idle speed is controlled by the airbypass valve, I think it's mounted below the intake manifold, it has two large vacuum hoses on it and an electrical connector, try replacing this valve, I have not worked on a 1986 Camry in many years and have no information anymore on them other than my memory. See if your mechanic can locate and replace it.