Toyota Repair: 95 T100 Neutral Safety Switch, neutral safety switch, gear indicator

QUESTION: I have a 1995 T100 that I had to have towed today.  The problem started yesterday when I tried to start it in park and nothing noise..nothing.  I then moved the gear selector to neutral and it started.  Today, I was leaving work for lunch and a friend was behind me.  He told me to pull over and told me that my backup lights were on.  I know I was in drive.  However my gear indicator showed reverse.  I then put the truck in park and then moved it back to drive and everything was OK.  After lunch I came back to my truck and it would not turn over.  No clicking..nothing. This time when I moved it to neutral it would not start.  I played with the gear lever probably for 10 minutes or so in every position and still nothing.  I did notice that none of my gear indicator lights are lit.  I had it towed to my neighbor's house (he repairs cars for a living) and he thinks it's the neutral safety switch.  Any other possibilities?  The starter was replaced about two years ago so that is almost new.  Thanks!

ANSWER: Unless there is some sort of unusual wiring problem the neutral safety switch is probably the problem.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks!  Can you please tell me where the neutral safety switch is located in my Toyota T100?

It's located on the right side of the transmission, the shift selector rod attaches to it and is has a large electrical connector with a lot of wires. The shift lelector lever has to be removed, it has either one or two 10mm bolts connecting it to the transmission.