Toyota Repair: 98 Corolla Cant Downshift to Park?, transmission leak, transmission fluid

This is going to be weird but I'll try to be specific. It's been raining a lot and
I've been driving through a lot of puddles so I don't know if this is weather-
related or not. My 98 Corolla has an automatic transmission. Lately the
problem is whenever I decelerate to, say, pull into a parking space, the car
acts like it goes into neutral and just coasts no matter if I'm applying gas to
pull in like normal. Then it acts like it finally found a gear and jumps into it to
where I can finish pulling into the space. Otherwise, I try selecting the "2" or
"1' gear to coax it. Frustrating because it's not doing it all the time, but it's
doing it more and more. I have no trouble, yet, starting from a dead stop. If
anyone has a clue as to what's going on, I'd appreciate it!

First check the transmission fluid, it should be at the "HOT" mark with the engine at operating temperature with the engine idling and in park, if the fluid is low there may be a transmission leak. Add fluid as needed and see if the problem goes away and check for a leak.