Toyota Repair: 95 Camry 2.2L motor mounts, alldata, oil pan
QuestionI just have a procedure related question regarding replacing engine mounts. I have the 4cyl engine & plan to replace the front (nearest to radiator) & "dogbone" mount soon as I've seen past columns saying these two are the most trouble prone. And my dogbone mount is obviously worn out. Two questions: a)Will I need an engine hoist? Or can I just raise the engine by using a jack under the oil pan with a block of wood? I can rent a hoist if necessary. b)Alldata & Haynes manual instructions make it sound like I have to remove the other two mounts (rear & the one by transmission) to replace the two that I'm after. Is that necessary, and if not, doesn't it matter which order I replace the front & dog bone mount in? Thanks for any tips you can offer!
AnswerYou do not need an engine hoist, after the bolts on the front mount are removed the engine can be raised with a floor jack and the mount removed, the dog bone can be installed after the front mount is secured, you do not need to remove or loosen any of the other mounts to do this.