Toyota Repair: Corolla AE92 Hatchback 1993 model wont turn over, no lights on dash!, corolla ae92, jumper leads


Last year I had a small prang in my toyota, just previous to this around August last year I installed a new battery, re-did the oil and basically gave my a once over repair. As I was saying just after this I had an accident and the car has remained in my garage since then with 1 wheel jacked up. Over this time I have remembered to come in occasionly and start the car and let it run for 10 minutes or so to stop the battery from going flat. So fast forward to yesterday, I finally got the nuts I had needed for my rims, and put the new set of rims on. Now when I jumped in the car this time and put the car in to start it, nothing happened, no lights on the dash, no noise, no nothing.

So naturally I thought it must be the battery has gone flat, so I tried jump starting it from my friends car, after the jumper leads were connected, the lights on my dash came on but even with my friend revving I couldn't get my car to turn over, I tried another set of jumper leads with a different friends car and still no avail. I have stuck the battery on the charger over night but it seems to have been sitting on 50% the whole time and hasn't moved. Is this simply as issue with the battery or could something have shorted out and cause this?? Thanks in advance,

kind regards,


Make sure that the battery terminals on the car are clean and tight, it sounds like a bad connection of the battery, remove the baqttery terminals and either clean or replace them, also check the battery ground cable and be sure that it is tight on the body connection or the engine.