Toyota Repair: radiator leak, radiator leak, water connection

my 1992 2wd 22re eketended cab pickup started smoking so i put water in it and the water is leaking out the bottom almost as fast as it goes in. The leak seems to be somewhere in the middle of the engine near the alternator. Is it a hose leak or is it from the engine block, and how do i get to it and fix it? thanx in advance for an answer.

It sounds to me like the water connection from the pipe that attaches to the backside of the timing cover is either leaking (due to rusting, bad gasket, etc), or the hose that connects to the radiator on one side and the timing cover on the other side may have a hole in it, or the clamp holding it is not tight enough. The best way to correct this is to pull off the alternator and inspect the area completely. It may sound like a little work to remove an alternator but it is actually quite simple and will prevent you from not correcting the water problem.