Toyota Repair: Cylinder one misfire code, toyota 4runner, cylinder misfire
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2001 SR5 Toyota 4runner with about 119,000 miles on it, the check engine light is on and the vehicle is idling rough. The code that is coming up is a Cylinder one misfire, and every now and then it will also have a multiple cylinder misfire code. I have changed the plugs and wires, coil packs, and the fuel filter, and the problem is still as bad as day one. I cleared the code but it usually comes on within' about 15 min. of the car running if not sooner. Do you have any other suggestions?
ANSWER: I need to know if it is a 4 cylinder or V-6 engine ?
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QUESTION: Sorry it is a v-6
AnswerThank you, there are a couple of more causes for the misfire, the #1 fuel injector may not be actuating and needs to be replaced, there is a loss of compression in the #1 cylinder or the computer itself is the cause which is the least likely, I would try replacing the #1 fuel injector, it's the most common cause but I would still recommend checking the engine compression first.If the compression tests good then replace the injector.