Toyota Repair: 2001 Celica GTS Idle Surge, 2001 celica gts, radiator flush
I just had a radiator flush on my Celica and now experience idle surge between 800 and 2000rpm continualy repeating. First thinking we had air in the cooling system we jacked up the front of the car opened the raditor cap and bleed on the overflow tank and ran the car for two hours topping off fluid. We see no air bubbles. Have checked all vacume hoses and all look good. Water temp is normal on gage. Have raised car twice and repeated cooling system bleed hoping this would fix problem but no luck. Car runs great once we are rolling. Did not have the problem until the flush. We have spent two days trying to fix the problem. Any ideas???
AnswerThere is still some air in the system, it's the only reason for this to happen, I don't know of any other way to get the air out other than following the underhood instruction label. The only other thing that may help is to take the car to a repair shop that has a cooling system power flush machine which will remove all the coolant and then fill the system without opening it.