Toyota Repair: ECU computer shuts power to engine, loose connections, ok ive
Questionon an 88 4runner 3vz-e, the truck starts, and runs between 1 and 10 seconds, then all power is shut off to the engine. it has fuel and has spark, and i know the computer isnt shutting power to the fuel pump because it does the same thing when i jump the pump to the battery, its almost like it is cutting power to the injectors. when jumping the T and E terminals it throws a 41 code, for the tps. all of the wiring seems ok, ive checked for loose connections and shorts/opens, but cant figure this one out, please help, my next option is a carbureted 289.
AnswerCheck to see if the injectors are shutting off when the engine quits running with a special small test light that plugs directly into one of the injector connectors, it shoub be flashing while the engine is running or is being cranked over, if the light stops flashing when the engine dies irt means that the computer went to fuel cut mode for some reason and shut the injectors off, I would also recommend replacing the TPS because of the 41 code it may be causing a false input to the ecu because the ecu is supposed to turn the injectors of on deceleration and it's possible that the tps is showing that it's in decel mode.