Toyota Repair: 1991 toyota 4 runner, costly repair, toyota 4 runner
Questionunable to start car. cranks likeit wants to start but cannot get it to turn over. all trouble began after i put gas in car. on my way to work it just stalled and havent been able to start it since.....I have changed the spark plugs, wires and fuel pump, battery is new, checked all fuses. Please assist
AnswerIt sounds to me like you may have lost timing. It is not clear to me if you have a 4 or 6 cylinder, but either way, if a timing belt breaks, or a stretched chain jumps a link, your car will not start. Best was to diagnose this is to take the cap off of your distributor and have a friend turn the ignition over. If the rotor does not turn, your belt or chain is broken. Please reply with a follow up if the rotor does not turn. This can be a costly repair as in some vehicles you CANNOT just replace the belt/chain and assume it will solve your problem. Valves in the head can be bent, etc.