Toyota Repair: Top Dead Center?, crankshaft pulley, tensioner pulley
QuestionI have a 1997 4 cylinder Toyota Camry XLE automatic transmission, whose timing belt needs to be replaced. How do I set TDC with the CAM sprocket and Crankshaft sprocket? There seems to be an indented line that can be seen through the camshaft sprocket and an indented dot. The camshaft sprocket itself has a small hole in it. Which one do I line up with this hole when I turn the crankshaft sprocket to "0" as marked on the lower timing belt cover? Please help! The reason why I am asking is because when I placed the new belt on and released the tensioner pulley, I forgot to tighten the bolt so when I tested the system, by turning the crankshaft pulley with a ratchet, the belt skipped a few times.....I don't want to take any chances.
AnswerWith the crankshaft at the top dead center zero mark make sure the #1 piston is up, remove the spark plug to look inside and verify, the cam gear hole is to be lined up with the small dimple(the dot) in the top of the front camshaft bearing housing, with the tensioner released and all the slack out of the belt, turn the engine over by hand a few times and recheck before putting it all back together, recheck to make sure that the belt is still tight and lined up.